Dyson’s Official Provider for their MASSIVE Christmas Parties 2016, 2017 and 2018.
About this project
For 3 full years we have been the go to service provider to create the wow factor for the incredible and enormous Christmas Dyson parties!
Each party we provided a new and different rig, stopping the activation feeling stagnant and boring,
Each member of staff is allowed company time to create their own fancy dress, outfit… and we don’t mean some normal outfit, we mean these are moving robotic, lights, sounds, motors, fans, and full size outfits!!! It is incredible what these guys make, and some of them can be up to 15 foot high!!!
The best thing about this job, is when guests arrive, they hunt us out and start a queue straight away! It has been such a privilege to have been part of these incredible parties so far!
2016 Dyson Party – Bristols Super Club, Motion
Taking over Motion in Bristol, we provided a 48 camera 360 degree rig in our own area, linked to a huge video was showing all video taking that evening, as well as sent to Dyson’s PR team.
The Event!
2017 Dyson Party – Bristol Air Craft Hanger
Taking over a huge aircraft hanger, we created a 24 camera 90 degree rig, perfectly between the bar and hand made food stalls… we left a little fatter 🙂
2018 Dyson Party – Bristols Aston Gate Football Stadium
Taking over the Ashton Football Stadium, we created an amazing 48 camera rig, fully blacked out with an incredible light structure in the centre!
For this event, we were asked to modify the software to include a retro 3D option, so with the old 80s 3D glasses you could see the movie with depth! The joys of owning your own software, you can tailor it to any event needs you wish!
Rig Setup
3 Blind Mice!
The Queue
The End!